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A rolling stone/fortune favours the brave

I'm kind of in a unique place at this point in my life. I don't really have anything holding me down. I don't have a lease on a rental, certainly no mortgage, no consistent job that takes up my daily hours and just coming out of a relationship. I've taken the opportunity in this state of flux to spread my wings in the network of hobart and hit up accommodation venues for swaps of photography (some people might say pro photography) for short term stay. It's given me an interesting angle to look at things.

In life, I think most people strive for security. Stability. Safety. It's comforting. It's grounding. It's home. But it can also be dangerous. We've been taught in our society that success is a house, a car, a job, a family. Some of us follow this blindly without stopping to ask if it's even what we want.

In this existence I have found myself in, I am totally and utterly free. And I'm not saying this to gloat or boast, I'm just sharing my experience. Which is one that is new to me. Yes it can be alarming not knowing where I'll be residing in coming weeks time or where the next pay deposit will come from, but the universe provides. Albeit with a lot of hustle from my end. What I'm trying to get at is that once I accepted this state of being lost and not knowing where I am going or what I am doing in the forseable future, once I stopped fighting it and giving energy to the fear of the unknown, once I embraced and absolved it.. I was washed over by an immense feeling of calm and liberation. For in this state of life is where life really happens and you are open and welcoming to it. The opposite can be said for safety and security. If you find yourself in a place of debt, and stability, and security but are feeling lost and scared and unsure that any of this is what you want but are battling through because it's what we've been taught is "success" then, well... that's really tough. Because it's a dangerous place to be in. I was discussing this concept with a close friend of mine, and I came to the visual idea of someone sitting reeeeally comfortably in a lounge room with lovely lighting and comfy couches and netflix and all the luxuries of our modern world but they are sitting tied up in a straitjacket, a straitjacket of safety, stability security etc... but all the while they feel like they have lost themselves. 

Eh... just some ponderings. 

Here's some pics of the places I've stayed lately. And a BIG shout out the amazingly generous, lovely people I have met and hung out with along the way. If you know of anyone that has accommodation and feel they could use some new imagery please point them in my direction :)